See all the companies that are supporting our association this year

Member Resources

Our members enjoy a host of benefits and services to help them excel professionally and enhance the game of golf and all it contributes to the economic, social and environmental well-being of our region.


The association provides numerous tangible services such as education, meetings, conferences, publications and more. But just as importantly, the association serves as a platform for members to come together and share information among themselves and establish networks of support and advice.

Please click on the link above to view and complete our membership application. Thanks for your interest in joining our association.

Classes & Qualifications












A life member shall be a Charter Member (AA member of this Association prior to September 18, 1963) or a member of this Association for twenty-five years.  He will have all privileges of his prior classification of this Association except that of holding office unless He or She is an active Superintendent.


Any person of good character who has served as a golf course superintendent for three full years and is actively engaged as such at the time of application will be eligible for regular Class A Membership in the Association.  Class A Members shall have all the privileges of this Association.


Any golf course superintendent who has been actively engaged as a superintendent for less than three years and is actively engaged as such at the time of application will be eligible to become a Superintendent Member.  Superintendent Members shall have all the privileges of this Association.


Any assistant to a golf course superintendent who is actively engaged as such at the time of application will be eligible for regular Class C Membership in this Association.  Class C Members shall have all the privileges of this Association except that of serving on the governing body.


Commercial Member - Any person who is supplying or servicing the turf industry.  They shall not vote or hold office.


One must be retired and no longer seeking employment within the scope of activities of any membership class of the Association.  The dues shall not exceed half the amount paid for the classification in which the member retires.  Any member reaching age 55, may retire and shall have all the privileges they had, with the exception of holding office. Any member having completed a minimum of 20 years of service may retire in the same format listed above.


Those who have rendered special or valuable service to this Association.  They shall be selected by a two-thirds vote of the membership present at each annual meeting.  They shall have all the privileges of this Association except the right to vote or hold office.  There may be but one person elected to Honorary Membership each year.


Any person of good character who at the time of application for membership is employed at a golf course represented by a Class A or B member of the Association and is enrolled in a formal course of education in the study of Turfgrass Management, or related field, shall be eligible for Class D membership.


An individual who is employed as an equipment manager, assistant equipment manager or mechanic/technician in the golf industry. Class EM Members shall have all the privileges of this Association except that of serving on the governing body.


Our goal is to award Scholarships based solely on the merits of the
applicant’s ability to demonstrate their skills based on academic
records, ambition, activities, appearance of application, and maturity.


If you would like to apply for the Ernest Steinhofer Scholarship or the Bill Smart Scholarship please submit your application as soon as possible.
The Deadline is June 30.




Presently involved in the golf industry. Must be enrolled or accepted to an accredited Turfgrass Maintenance Program. Recommended by Class A, B or Associate Member in good standing with the HVGCSA


Parent must be a member of the HVGCSA. Student may or may not be planning to enter a field related to golf course management. Must be enrolled or accepted at an accredited institution of higher learning. Winners cannot reapply for a period of one year.